South-East-Asia Prayer Council is a regional prayer movement organization comprises of appointed servant catalysts from the 11 South-East Asia nations. The nations are divided into 2 groups:
Mainland Nations comprise of: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
Island nations comprise of: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Timor Leste.
To make the Lord's name great among the nations through building strong relationships among the leadership and lasting partnership with other national, regional and global prayer/mission movements. (Malachi 1:11)
Awakening to the nations that never had a Biblical heritage for the society.
Revival to the nations that had a Bible heritage, but now have lost the vitality.
The birth of South-East Asia Prayer Council after the 1st IPC gathering at South Africa.
The 1st South-East Asia Prayer Council Meeting at Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Celebrated the 10th Year Anniversary during theyearly conference at Yangon, Myanmar.
Celebrated the 20th Year Anniversary during the yearly conference at Hanoi, Vietnam.